And Luke should have at least had some opportunity to talk to her. It is likely it was earlier than that, probably before The Force Awakens, otherwise the Resistance would have tried to get her involved, even if she was in her 60s. Her final fate is unknown, but she is assumed to be one with the Force by TROS.

That and Ahsoka as a character is only about 12 years old (The Clone Wars came out in 2008, if I recall). Timeline is young, as in the existence of the new post-Return of the Jedi canon. She would be roughly in her 40s by the Mandalorean. She is no Jedi, but the remaining Jedi could learn a thing of two from her before she becomes one with the Force.

She seems to be taking on the role of Gandalf of sorts post-Return of the Jedi. She was missing for most of the Original Trilogy, needing to find her way back from a Sith world, judging by the artwork, via portals/the realm between worlds.

She is likely dead before the events of The Rise of Skywalker. She's to appear in the Mandalorean at some point. She has to die before Return of the Jedi though.Īnd what do you mean "timeline"? Why does Star Wars need a time-line all of the sudden? Star Wars didn't used to have a time-line, it had a history spanning 20,000 years, most of it still unwritten.